Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Early Signs of Aging

Most people think it's the exterior that goes first. I disagree. Personally I don't think I've ever looked better. My posture is better, I dress better, and I've figured out what works for me when it comes to hairstyle and facial hair. No, aging starts elsewhere.

When I was in my early 20s I came across some old chat logs and emails from my late teens, and I remember thinking to myself "man, you used to be a dick". I could see signs of the person I would become, but in a raw, uncut, hardly elegant form. There was stuff that needed figuring out, but looking at my current self it was clear that I had figured out at least enough to become somewhat interesting. Looking back was something of a pat on the back, saying "you're not the idiot you used to be".

Recently, I read some of the stuff I'd written a few years back, and I thought to myself "wow, did I write that? It's actually kinda good", followed by the creeping sensation that I'm not sure I could have written the same things today. It was something of an uncomfortable feeling. And so the question becomes, am I getting boring? Am I getting old?

People are afraid of aging and of bodily decay. But spending fortunes on lotions and nutritious food, jogging and healthy habits doesn't slow down the real signs of aging. If you want to stay young read a fucking book, socialise and go do something stupid.

That's what I recon in any case.