Sunday, 2 August 2009


Ok, that was fun, but it didn't lend itself to more blog posts. Having gotten so used to writing a travel blog, unless I do something special I feel I don't have anything to write about. Then when I actually do have someting to write about I still don't due to being out of sync. So I consider this a reboot of my blogging.

Summer so far is pretty good except for the fact that Bergen changed back to it's usual gray and rainy self. Yet another reason to hang out at one of our many small cozy pubs with random friends. That pretty much sums up my summer so far, which I don't consider a bad thing.

Other then that I'm doing grunt work at Tine awaiting the start of the semester. Unless something else shows up I'll be taking PPU at the University of Bergen, a one year teachers degree prompted by a new found interest in human interaction patterns. Having several friends who are either working as or studying towards becoming a teacher, I still haven't been able to figure out what they actually learned during their studies. I'm curious as hell, and it seems I will have to figure this out myself.

This also marks a shift in my blogging focus, and I'll be moving towards writing about ideas, news and interests, as well as anything interesting that should come up. Summer is slow in that regard, but there are handgun and unarmed combat training coming up as Norway wakes up from it's summer slumber.

Also, there's an election coming up and things doesn't look good for the Kingdom of Norway. Soon it will be every man for himself.


  1. Once your initial burst of enthusiasm or a project that just seemed right for blogging is over and done with it get so hard. Sooo hard. Good luck with it :)

  2. Like most things it's all about proper motivation, or failing that, manipulating yourself through something like consistency.

    Suppose one motivation for blogging could be to make an effort towards living a life worth blogging about. If you don't, change your ways or learn to think of your life in a better way.
